2020 We Survive
2020 Our generation is in one of the most prolific of our time In February 2020 the world became aware of the pandemic now know as Covid-19
Inthe mist of the out break not tan 10 million have died due to the late stages of this aggressive strain that has not even fished peaking a another more aggressive form has yet to show it’s true power.
The only cure #stayathome and 6 feet apart stay safe wash hands and use a face mask to prevent others from exposers in
May of 2020 another out break of sorts a man name George Floyd in Minnesota was brutally murdered by a mpls police of by kneeling on his net for a full 8 mins in public view and then be videotaped by on looking people
It was caught on security camera and the officers chest cam recorded the event as the city boiled the riots and protests went on a solid month
It will take more than a couple of years to rebuild after the violence that was poured out after this despicable act destroyed pretty much everything on Lake Street in downtownA gigantic memorial at the site of George Floyd killing the out cries of the ones who live in this community a beautiful memorial sits in pride of Black Lives Matter a fist raised with flowers and plant covering the streets
It is now August and we have come to a point where things are starting to come back to normalcy the world will never be the same again we are required to wear mask to enter any business we are still dealing with the outlast and right of George Floyd’s murder we are months away from the presidential election that will determine our country is run all I ask is that you Vote I’m not gonna tell you who to vote for I just want you to vote for the good of the country
Live in peace as we are the future be kind be compassionate and living free and dreaming of better day we will survive
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